
Friday, April 29, 2016


Olive oil is used in our food for so many years and it is beneficial for our health. Olive oil could be used for all kinds of diets such as if you are trying to lose weight or want to improve your heart function, etc. This oil is used to cook all kinds of vegetable and it also improves the taste of your food. Many doctors suggest the use of olive oil in the food of heart patients because it never increases cholesterol in the body and makes heart healthy. It could also be used in the green salads to improve its nutrition and add some more taste in it.

In the research, it is found that the olive oil diet is a boon to improve the health of our vital organs and for weight loss. It could improve the energy level of the body, it also increases the consumption of green vegetables and salad by improving its taste which is good for our health. More green vegetables and fruits in our daily diet are necessary to keep our body fit. Adding olive oil to our meals helps us to eat less and it satisfies the hunger for long hours. Olive oil contains healthy fat which could be digested easily. Experts recommend about 3-4 teaspoon of olive oil to be used every day in our food. It could be used to cook food, in the salad, etc. Using the suggested quantity of this oil would be a better way to get health benefits of it because the quantity is suggested by the health experts after a long study.

People who are facing the problem of obesity have the higher risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack. The study also shown that, the olive oil diet is a great prevention for all such diseases. It has been tested that the individuals who took olive oil diet for 6 months has reduced their weight and their blood pressure has become normal. Those people have also controlled their diabetes in only six months. Now, the participants of that study have no diabetes and high blood pressure because they have followed the diet plan suggested by the health experts involved in the study. You should improve your health by adding just a few teaspoons of the olive oil to your food and stay healthy for a long time.


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