
Friday, April 29, 2016


  • Hair removal commonly made by all peoples to remove their unwanted hair from their body,we have various ways to remove our hair we should use the right way to remove our hair then only we will get positive results
  • For human being hair will grow naturally for many reasons we will remove our hair due to culture, sexuality,medical and for religious thing else we will remove our hairs.
  • Due to technology changes we are also changing accordingly our way of dressing also changing to that due to that nowadays many are removing unwanted hairs in the legs and elsewhere in their body.
Methods in hair removal

They are several method in hair removal before using the right way we should consult with doctor about our body and its condition after his suggestion only we should undergo the treatment.

  • Shaving is one of the method to remove unwanted hair easily from our body but this method will not remove hair permanently from our body this was the main drawback in this method.
  • Waxing is another method of removing unwanted hair in our body in this way of removing hair will works in all our body. Either it will remove the hair permanently or it will grow the hair in waxing area after long time we get pain while we doing waxing for first time second time pain will be less than first time.
  • Laser method is also an important method to remove unwanted hair from our body this way of treatment will also reduced our treatment time and it gives good result if we follow this treatment in correct way. Before undergoing this treatment we must consult the right doctor and want to get right guidelines from him then only we will get good result without any side effects to our body.
  • Treading is an old method of removing unwanted hairs this way of treatment is familiar in ancient times this method popular among the peoples than waxing but it will not remove the hair permanently from our body. Time consumption in this method will be less than other methods it helps to remove our unwanted hair safely without any side effects to our body.
  • Electrolysis is a hair removal method this is most guaranteed and safer method than laser, electrolysis way of treatment will be more concentrated on a single hair at a time. Which is more painful treatment than laser but we should ensure our electrolysis is licensed or not because no license may cause harmful to our skin we must be careful in it.
Several methods are there to remove our unwanted hairs from our body each and every method are somehow useful to remove hairs from various parts of our body.


  • Hair removal treatment which used for medical purposes also before chemotherapy hair removal treatment is done, Because during the cancer treatment patient will have irregular hair loss to avoid that doctor suggesting hair removal it is also help to keep our body looking good.


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