
Friday, April 29, 2016


Olive oil is used in our food for so many years and it is beneficial for our health. Olive oil could be used for all kinds of diets such as if you are trying to lose weight or want to improve your heart function, etc. This oil is used to cook all kinds of vegetable and it also improves the taste of your food. Many doctors suggest the use of olive oil in the food of heart patients because it never increases cholesterol in the body and makes heart healthy. It could also be used in the green salads to improve its nutrition and add some more taste in it.

In the research, it is found that the olive oil diet is a boon to improve the health of our vital organs and for weight loss. It could improve the energy level of the body, it also increases the consumption of green vegetables and salad by improving its taste which is good for our health. More green vegetables and fruits in our daily diet are necessary to keep our body fit. Adding olive oil to our meals helps us to eat less and it satisfies the hunger for long hours. Olive oil contains healthy fat which could be digested easily. Experts recommend about 3-4 teaspoon of olive oil to be used every day in our food. It could be used to cook food, in the salad, etc. Using the suggested quantity of this oil would be a better way to get health benefits of it because the quantity is suggested by the health experts after a long study.

People who are facing the problem of obesity have the higher risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack. The study also shown that, the olive oil diet is a great prevention for all such diseases. It has been tested that the individuals who took olive oil diet for 6 months has reduced their weight and their blood pressure has become normal. Those people have also controlled their diabetes in only six months. Now, the participants of that study have no diabetes and high blood pressure because they have followed the diet plan suggested by the health experts involved in the study. You should improve your health by adding just a few teaspoons of the olive oil to your food and stay healthy for a long time.


  • Hair removal commonly made by all peoples to remove their unwanted hair from their body,we have various ways to remove our hair we should use the right way to remove our hair then only we will get positive results
  • For human being hair will grow naturally for many reasons we will remove our hair due to culture, sexuality,medical and for religious thing else we will remove our hairs.
  • Due to technology changes we are also changing accordingly our way of dressing also changing to that due to that nowadays many are removing unwanted hairs in the legs and elsewhere in their body.
Methods in hair removal

They are several method in hair removal before using the right way we should consult with doctor about our body and its condition after his suggestion only we should undergo the treatment.

  • Shaving is one of the method to remove unwanted hair easily from our body but this method will not remove hair permanently from our body this was the main drawback in this method.
  • Waxing is another method of removing unwanted hair in our body in this way of removing hair will works in all our body. Either it will remove the hair permanently or it will grow the hair in waxing area after long time we get pain while we doing waxing for first time second time pain will be less than first time.
  • Laser method is also an important method to remove unwanted hair from our body this way of treatment will also reduced our treatment time and it gives good result if we follow this treatment in correct way. Before undergoing this treatment we must consult the right doctor and want to get right guidelines from him then only we will get good result without any side effects to our body.
  • Treading is an old method of removing unwanted hairs this way of treatment is familiar in ancient times this method popular among the peoples than waxing but it will not remove the hair permanently from our body. Time consumption in this method will be less than other methods it helps to remove our unwanted hair safely without any side effects to our body.
  • Electrolysis is a hair removal method this is most guaranteed and safer method than laser, electrolysis way of treatment will be more concentrated on a single hair at a time. Which is more painful treatment than laser but we should ensure our electrolysis is licensed or not because no license may cause harmful to our skin we must be careful in it.
Several methods are there to remove our unwanted hairs from our body each and every method are somehow useful to remove hairs from various parts of our body.


  • Hair removal treatment which used for medical purposes also before chemotherapy hair removal treatment is done, Because during the cancer treatment patient will have irregular hair loss to avoid that doctor suggesting hair removal it is also help to keep our body looking good.


The weight loss is actually the reduction of total body mass due to certain things like mean loss of fluid or body fat or adipose tissue. This can also occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease or due to a conscious effort to improve the overweight or obese state. The unintentional mass loss is due to the loss of fat, fluid loss, muscle atrophy, etc. Also, if someone loses 10% of its body weight in six months or 5% from last month, then it is termed as a medical problem.

Unintentional loss of weight

The unintentional loss of weight can also occur due to the diet lacking in nutrition required for person’s energy needs. It can also occur due to changes in metabolism, hormonal change, also due to an effect of any treatment, or reduced appetite due to some treatment or disease. One should be aware of the serious loss of weight since it can cause in a reduction of quality of life or lifespan, and can be a risk factor for the early mortality. The medical treatment can cause the loss of weight directly or indirectly. It depends on the effectiveness of treatment and recovery which can also lead to further loss in weight.

Intentional weight loss

It means the loss of the body mass as a result of efforts for improving the fitness and the health or to change the appearance. It has many advantages for the people who are overweight or obese as it can reduce the health risks, increases the fitness and may also delay the onset of diabetes. It also helps in reducing the pain and increasing the movement of the knee for the people who are suffering from diseases related to the knee. It also helps in reducing the hypertension. The loss in weight occurs when the human body is expending more energy than it is consuming it.

Many people use to do the mass loss although having the ideal body weight in order to improve their athletic performance or to meet the required weight classification for the participation in a sport. Some people do this in order to look attractive especially women. There are many harmful effects of underweight like decreased muscle strength, problems in regulating the body temperature and even the risk of death. So it is advisable not to lose too much weight and becoming underweight by getting under various problems. The gain of weight is associated with excessive consumption of fats, sugars, carbohydrates and also alcohol.

There are many therapeutic techniques for the weight loss. The easiest of all this is the adjustments to eating patterns and the increase in physical activity in the form of exercise. Other methods include the use of drugs and various supplements which can decrease the appetite and can block the fat absorption or can reduce the stomach volume. But, these drugs and supplements have various side-effects which can be harmful to our health, so it is better to use the traditional method for reducing the weight.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


The mechanics of acne are pretty much controlled by your genetics. So, don’t blame yourself for having acne-prone skin. Genetics determine how your body’s immune system responds to bacteria; one person may have only blackheads while another gets explosive red and tender nodules. Genetics also play a role in how easily your pores become plugged. For example, you may have inherited the ability to overproduce dead skin cells, and then shed them in a way that clogs your pores. Redness and pigmentation are functions of your skin color. The lighter your skin, the more redness you are likely to see, while dark pigmentation hides the red, inflammatory response. Darker skin clears with a brownish pink spot (postinflammatory hyperpigmentation) that often remains for months or even years. The bottom line is your genes are the underlying reason for your acne, as well as what type of acne you have. Other factors, which we
will discuss later, are influencers.

And genetics are unpredictable. Even in identical twins, one person may get tiny little pimples that last a week, while the other develops cysts that scar. If both of your parents had significant acne, your risk for developing acne also is very high. Because 85% of the population experiences breakouts at some point in their lifetime, you won’t be alone.

Acne and Hormones
Hormones play a huge role in acne. During puberty, everyone - boys and girls - starts to produce masculinizing hormones called androgens. In women, the hormones include testosterone, DHEA-sulfate and progesterone. In men, the hormones are testosterone, dihydroxytestosterone and androstenedione. Androgen hormones cause oil-producing glands to enlarge, stimulating oil production. When there’s more oil and less shedding of dead skin cells, pores become clogged, and there you have it - acne. That's why 80 to 85 percent of teens get acne.

Hormonal Acne – Women

The rate at which you produce oil within the oil or sebaceous glands is affected by your hormonal balance, which often fluctuates in both men and women throughout their lives. Normal variations in women's estrogen and androgen levels can cause acne. This explains why women often experience it, not only in puberty, but later in life as well, especially the week before their period. The increase in hormones during pregnancy and post partum can also wreak havoc on a woman's skin. As the years go by, during perimenopause and menopause, hormone levels become more erratic, often triggering another bout of acne. Women with abnormally high levels of androgen hormones, like those with polycystic ovarian syndrome, have a higher risk of developing acne. Another hormone, cortisol, is released from the adrenal glands during times of stress, often instigating the acne cycle too. To sum it up, hormones explain why 30-40% of women experience some form of acne in adulthood.

Hormonal Acne – Men

Men's hormone levels fluctuate too. Androgens are the male sex hormones that surge during puberty. So it's no surprise that acne in teen males is more severe and longer lasting than in females. Adult males produce about ten times as much testosterone as women do. By adulthood, the oil production in most men normalizes, making acne less of an issue with age. In fact, testosterone has the benefit of increasing the skin thickness in men, explaining why they wrinkle less with age.

Stress can trigger or worsen your acne because it causes the body to release cortisol and androgens from your adrenal glands, increasing oil production. Because women produce a greater percentage of their androgens in the adrenal gland than men, women are more prone to stress related breakouts. Some researchers believe adult acne is on the rise because of the constant stress in our society. Stress can also make your breakouts last longer. And as you well know, having acne adds to your emotional stress, perpetuating the vicious acne cycle. We recommend lowering stress levels with plenty of sleep, exercise and calming activities like meditation and mindful breathing.

Environment and Habits
Outside factors like pollution, exposure to oil and grease may clog pores and flare acne. Heat and humidity, which increase oil production, are also well-documented acne triggers.

The skin is the largest organ of the body. One of its main functions is to protect us from noxious substances. Strong environmental pollutants can result in a rare variation of acne called chloracne, which is characterized by acne like eruptions of blackheads, whiteheads, cysts and pustules. Chloracne is different from the more common acne vulgaris because it's not caused by hormones or genetics.

Personal habits, including the types of products you use, also make a significant difference. Shampoos, conditioners, pomades, hair gels and
hairspray may be blocking pores, causing acne on the forehead and around the hairline. The wrong moisturizers or makeup can also clog pores, creating blackheads and whiteheads. Looking for “noncomedogenic” or “non-pore clogging” designations on a product label is worthwhile. Additionally, oil from greasy hair may migrate to the forehead and temples, triggering small breakouts along the hairline, along with scalp acne. So if your hair is especially oily or flakey, consider shampooing more frequently with a medicated product.

Acne is often flared by friction from hats or athletic gear, which traps bacteria, increases sweating, and inflames the skin. To avoid “stewing in your own sweat,” shower and clean your equipment as soon as possible.

Small amounts of sun exposure may seem to help your acne at first because the blue band of visible light helps to sterilize the p. acnes bacteria and a tan masks redness. But prolonged sun exposure increases the shedding of dead cells on the surface of your skin, plugging your pores, eventually producing blackheads, whiteheads and small pimples. Heavy sunblocks are occlusive and can increase the temperature inside your hair follicles, creating small pimple-like bumps. These “sun bumps” are not true acne but a medical condition called miliaria, which is especially common on the torso during the hot, humid summer months. Avoidance of prolonged sun exposure, along with daily use of a lightweight, noncomedogenic sunscreen formulated for acne-prone skin, is best for protecting your skin and minimizing breakouts.

Diet and Medications
While we don't believe diet is the primary cause of acne there is more and more evidence linking certain foods to acne, in some people it may play a contributing role. Carbohydrates found in sugary, starchy, or processed foods have what is known as a high glycemic index. These types of food spike your blood sugar level and eventually create insulin resistance. When this occurs, your skin responds by releasing thick, sticky oil into the pores, which results in breakouts.

Hormones and antibiotics in dairy and meats may also contribute to acne in some people. Looking for “organic” or “hormone-free” foods may make a difference in your skin. High iodine levels in people consuming lots of seafood, seaweed, or iodized salt has also been reported to trigger breakouts.

As you can see, the link between diet and acne is being actively investigated. What can you do in the meantime? We suggest keeping a food diary. Because each of us responds differently to foods, keeping track of what you eat for several weeks may help you identify whether certain foods are flaring your skin. Your next step is to eliminate that food. However, keep in mind, that because acne starts in your pores weeks before a breakout appears on your skin, you will need to eliminate a suspected food from your diet for at least 3-4 weeks. This is the best way to determine whether or not your diet is contributing to your acne.

Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day is healthy for you, but it won’t flush away acne. There’s simply no proof that water can clean the skin from the inside out.

Also watch out for certain over-the-counter and prescription medications that may have side effects that can alter your body’s chemistry and hormones, leading to an acne outbreak. Lithium is one example. Androgenic steroids, DHEA, progesterone-dominant forms of birth control, and medications containing bromides or iodides also fall into this category. Make sure to ask your doctor about any possible side effects of your prescription meds because alternative medicines may be available.


Dry skin is caused by several factors. It could be due to exposure to hot or cold weather, genetics or from using skin cleansers or household chemicals. It is an unpleasant condition that can sometimes cause itching and rough skin, scaling, peeling, and even flaking.

If you are into DIY home remedies for dry skin, you may want to out these eight natural beauty remedies using simple ingredients to help you achieve supple and soft skin.

1.) Soothe Dry and Itchy Scalp with Apple Cider Vinegar

Dry and itchy scalp is caused by many factors such as dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis, according to My Health Tips. A simple home remedy is using apple cider vinegar. Add water to the apple cider vinegar to make the mixture. To apply, soak a cotton ball and directly apply to scalp. Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties that kill off any build-up in the hair that causes itchiness.

2.) Combat Dry Facial Skin with Avocado and Honey Mask

Mashed avocado combined with honey is perfect for dry skin. The sterolin and humectants found in the mixture can soothe and smoothen the dry skin in the face gently, according to New Health Guide. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, rinse off, and pat gently.

3.) Get Glowing Skin with a DIY Coffee Body Scrub

Body scrubs are great for removing dead skin cells from the body. Coffee is especially great as it also helps fight cellulite. The recipe from Style Craze calls for ground coffee, sugar, extra virgin olive oil, and vitamin E capsules. The sugar works as a gentle exfoliator, the olive oil helps keep the skin supple, and vitamin E contains antioxidants help repair the skin and at the same time protect it.

4.) Ease Extremely Dry Feet with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an amazing remedy for dry and cracked feet. It helps fight against bacterial and fungal infections. According to Top 10 Home Remedies, it is best to apply this treatment before going to sleep. Soak feet in warm water and thoroughly scrub with loofah, dry your feet and apply coconut oil generously and then put on a pair of cotton socks for the night. If coconut oil is not on hand, you can use olive oil instead.

5.) Get Rid of Painful Chapped Lips with Sugar

This recipe from Whole New Mom enables you to exfoliate your lips while nourishing it at the same time. All you need are three ingredients: honey, sugar, and oil.

6.) Tackle Scaly Elbows and Knees with Almond Powder & Yogurt

According to Home Remedy Shop, almond powder can exfoliate the skin in the elbows and knees while yogurt can naturally clean the areas. The combination of these two ingredients can also help lighten the area while leaving them soft.

7.) Moisturize the Whole Body with Olive Oil and Sugar

According to Everyday Health, olive oil and sugar can be moisturizing and exfoliating at the same time. Rubbing the scrub on to your skin will get rid of the dead skin, revealing a soft, supple skin.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


1. Don’t throw out your rice water.

Rice water is rich with minerals that are amazing for your skin and hair using the cooled water left after boiling rice is a tip passed down from Japanese geishas for centuries. It’s also rich in anti-oxidants and helps prevent hyper-pigmentation and age spots.
No rice water? There are several beauty products out there that are based in the benefits of rice, like Chaintecaille’s Rice & Geranium Foaming Cleanser and Tatcha’s Rice Enzyme Powder, which is a favorite among celebrity makeup artists.
How to use it: Soak a cotton pad in rice water and tone your face after cleansing with it, and a complex of vitamins called ‘inositol’ will promote cell growth and stimulate blood flow.

2. You can use turmeric to cure pretty much everything.

Turmeric is awesome—it works as an antiseptic and makes a great body scrub. And a little bit of turmeric mixed with water and sandalwood powder reduces acne. India and China have long used turmeric for medicinal and artistic purposes, but it’s only recently that the United States has explored the benefits of turmeric for cancer treatment.
How to use it: For home skincare, you can use it with a mixture of milk for a skin brightener or face cleanser, or even to fight poison ivy and eczema. You can also buy ready-made Turmeric Face Wash if you don’t want to DIY it yourself. The one downside is it stains — so wash your face super thoroughly afterwards.

3. No eyelash curler? No problem.

It’s disputed when the eyelash curler was invented—patents for the first pop up in 1923, 1931, 1940—but before it came about, people used spoons to curl lashes, and it’s still a trick you can use to this day. Model Miranda Kerr—who has her own pretty great skincare line—sometimes uses the trick over a regular eyelash curler. There are a few beauty tricks you can utilize a spoon for, actually. Who knew dining utensils have a space in beauty bags?
How to use it: Watch the video and be amazed!

4. Charcoal was the original Crest. (Maybe.)

If your family ever suggests for you to brush your teeth with charcoal, they’re probably not trying to poison you—so long as they’re suggesting activated charcoal. Activated charcoal treats tannins, which is what stains your teeth when you drink coffee and tea. Over time after brushing your teeth with activated charcoal—don’t swallow it—the tannins will be absorbed by the charcoal. This is one of those family myths turned Pinterest sensations that there isn’t actual, formal research to back up. Some dentists say it has the potential to work, but it doesn’t replace professional whitening and regular checkups. I think maybe we’ll stick to Crest White Strips.
How to use it: Dip your toothbrush into powdered charcoal and brush in small circles for two minutes. Remember to spit carefully and rinse extremely well (you really don’t wanna swallow any of this stuff).

5. Beer can make beautiful hair.

Washing your hair in beer adds volume and shine to heat-damaged hair. Experts suggest you use traditionally brewed beer that’s rich in hops to get the most out of your beer treatment.

6. Koreans do it (face-washing) better.

Face wash commercials can give you the impression that washing your face should only take five seconds, but this isn’t actually the case. Ask Korean skin-care brand Soko Glam (or your local, ageless Korean grandmother): the ideal face wash method takes time, and sometimes 10 steps worth of products.
How to do it: Follow these dedicated instructions.

7. Food makes a fabulous (and cheap) face mask.

Oatmeal? Face mask. Yogurt? Face mask. Cucumbers? Face mask. Honey? Face mask. Tea bags? Put ‘em on your eye bags. But please, don’t do any of this while you’re hungry, because you’ll probably eat your face mask half-way through and feel vaguely cannibalistic about it. All of these products do have clinically proven positive results on skincare and they are the basis of many effective skincare products on the market.

8. Oil up.

Coconut oil, jojoba oil, argan oil—there are a million oils that work wonders on the skin—but many of them are prohibitively expensive. If you can’t afford to throw down for a super pricey bottle, head to Whole Foods or another health food store where you can grab an unblended bottle for a fraction of the price.
How to use it: Coconut oil in particular has multiple uses: moisturizer, hair mask, makeup remover, shaving cream… not to mention baking ingredient.

9. And when life hands you lemons….

Your mom, your grandma, your Pinterest followers—they might all suggest sugar and lemon scrubs or toner, but do not listen to them. Listen to estheticians and skincare professionals. Lemon juice on your skin—especially on open wounds like acne—it can exacerbate the problem more than help. Listen to this no-nonsense lady right here. Your skin will thank you for it.
How to use it: DON’T. No way!
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1. Give up potato chips.

"All processed foods can cause inflammation in the body, leading to conditions such as rosacea, arthritis, fibromyalgia, pancreatitis, gall stones, fatty liver, yellowing or grayish whites of your eyes, and cellulite," says Ciminelli, who gives clients a list of skin-healthy foods after each appointment. "Fiber-rich foods are essential for clear skin: Think apples, prunes and, my favorite underdog, seaweed — it's an anti-inflammatory that fights redness and pimples." On the top of her list of foods to cut out: Potato chips. "They have no goodness whatsoever."

2. Try reflexology.

In a perfect world, money and time concerns aside, Ciminelli recommends getting a deep pore cleansing, hydrating facial and reflexology treatment on a regular basis. "In my opinion, reflexology is essential for a healthy body and good skin. The ancient foot treatment really helps improve overall health and well-being while contributing to radiant skin on happy relaxed faces."

3. Double-cleanse at night.

"Cleansing at night needs to be very thorough — I use two different cleansers at night and only one in the morning. Using a washcloth is important when you cleanse, as is washing with warm water and rinsing with cool."

4. Change your pillowcase often.

"Your skin needs to be nourished and deeply hydrated during the night when it's rubbing against a cotton pillowcase and your pillowcase should be changed every couple of days to prevent breakouts."

5. Ditch tinted moisturizers.

"I'm against them," says Ciminelli. "I think the skin absorbs the pigments, which is not good for your body. Your liver has enough problems trying to neutralize the toxins you are breathing in and ingesting."

6. Get rid of pimples with herbs.

To clear up a breakout quickly, Ciminelli recommends cleansing your face thoroughly, then steaming your pores with water infused with rosemary, thyme, and oregano. "After a few minutes, with impeccably clean hands, wrap tissue around your index fingers and very gently press out the impurities. Cleanse again and then use a good antiseptic toner or my Seawater." Don't stop there, though: Drink a large glass of water with one tablespoon of Bragg's apple cider vinegar infused into it (then rinse to protect tooth enamel) followed by a cup of Smooth Move Tea by Traditional Medicine. "A blocked colon is one of the major causes of breakouts," she says.
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